Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 14, 2010: I'm waking up today.

Being a first year osteopathic medical student was wonderful and difficult. At first, I had a hard time with the life-style changes and the pace of class. The drinking from a fire hydrant analogy really does it descriptive justice. I was able to get through each day and feel satisfied with my work just by putting in my best effort. When I was having a bad day, I could just put myself on coasting mode until the next day. I had the excitement of knowing that I was finally heading down the path that would lead to me becoming a doctor, living my dream.

The second year of medical school has proved to be quite different. After an amazing summer filled with travel, family, and friends, I stepped back on campus to find that I was needed for my mentorship- by the first years and pre-meds. Now I find that coasting mode is not an option, because there just isn't enough time in the day for it. I have to study for classes and block exams, rapidly increase the amount of time I study for boards each day (I take step 1 in June), think more seriously about what field I want to go in to, research rotations, maintain my extra curricular activities (president of a club, and in charge of a group that volunteers at a clinic), etc! To top that off, I really want to have some time to relax, work out, eat well, and be a good girlfriend.

When I applied to osteopathic medical school, I knew that starting down this path would not be easy. I had two goals in life: #1 Teach people how to heal themselves and #2 Be a good person. There is no doubt that medical school will help me with #1, but if I don't figure out a way to be less distracted and chaotic, I am afraid that I will lose track of #2. I really like to try to live in the moment and life one day at a time, but at this point in my career there is still so much to plan for... and of course that is very anxiety provoking.

What lies ahead for me? I have two blocks left to take at school, followed by my board exams, which I am still scheduling. I have not yet completed the USMLE scheduling process. I am taking my COMLEX, the osteopathic step 1, on June 18th. I will be passing on my leadership positions at school to first years, and possibly taking on a National SOMA leadership position. I will start my 3rd year rotations on June 21st in the bay area and Eureka/Humboldt area, and I will start studying for step 2 shortly after. I'll schedule my 4th year rotations, including my showcase/audition rotations, take step 2, and then start my 4th year. Hopefully I will finish my showcasing rotations by December of my 4th year. Then the matches happen for residencies! I'll match into residency, take my step 3, graduate, and start my residency. By that time I'll be almost 28 years old.

I don't think anyone is going to read my blog, but I am going to keep it up- its a great exercise for me and who knows, it just might help someone.



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